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Feed processing and handling

Feed processing and handling

Since feed costs play an important role in livestock production, homegrown feed crops can be key to improve the economic performance of organic farms. Compared to cereals, protein-rich crops such as grain legumes (e.g. soybeans, faba beans, peas) require a heat-treatment before they are usable for feeding pigs or chickens. A careful heat treatment is needed to deactivate anti-nutritive substances and to maintain proteins in good quality.

Compact technologies for heat treatments are used to process legume crops into valuable feed, offering a business opportunity for enterprises and providing farms with a predictable supply with high-quality and traceable feed.

Here tools related to the topic of feed technology are featured.


TitleIssuing organisationProjectYear of releaseRating
Adding lactic acid bacteria via maize silage or to drinking water in organic...ICROFS - International Centre for Research in... , AU - Aarhus University2021
Blue mussels as feedstuff (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract)AU - Aarhus UniversityOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Brewer's yeast silage for feeding pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Video)Ecovalia - Asociación Valor EcológicoOK-Net EcoFeed20213.5 (2)
Clover-grass protein by bio-refining - Nutrient composition and shelf life...AU - Aarhus University , ICROFS - International Centre for Research in...2021
Detecting heat damages in processed soya bean with NIR (OK-Net Ecofeed Video)Donau SojaOK-Net EcoFeed2021
Dry Forages: Process and techniques (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract)AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura BiologicaOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Ensiling legume forage pulp (ProRefine Practice Abstract)Università Cattolica del Sacro CuoreProRefine , CORE Organic Cofund2022
Ensiling legume forage stems (ProRefine Practice Abstract)Università Cattolica del Sacro CuoreProRefine , CORE Organic Cofund20224 (1)
Feeding grass/clover silage to finisher pigs in addition to liquid feeding...SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural SciencesOK-Net EcoFeed2021
Green protein from locally grown crops (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract)AU - Aarhus UniversityOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Guide for assessing the protein quality in soya feed products (OK-Net EcoFeed...Donau SojaOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Guide for farms to plan small scale soya bean processing equipment (OK-Net...Donau SojaOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Guidelines for certification - organic feed processingCAAE - Servicio CertificaciónOK-Net EcoFeed2016
List of weeds traditionally used to feed pigsEcovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico , Universidad de CórdobaOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Maize and beans – Organic roughage with benefits?Thünen-InstitutOK-Net EcoFeed2016
Maize germ cake (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract)Soil AssociationOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Okara: Including a soya by-product into the poultry diet (OK-Net Ecofeed...AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura BiologicaOK-Net EcoFeed2020
On-farm soy processing – toasting soy for pig fattening (OK-Net EcoFeed video)Donau Soja , FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Organic soybeans – Managing quality from field to feedingLVÖ - Landesvereinigung für ökologischen Landbau...OK-Net EcoFeed20165 (1)
Processing of soybeans - Methods and tips (OK-Net EcoFeed Video)Donau Soja , FiBL - Research Institute of Organic AgricultureOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Profile of a farm with integrated soya production, processing and laying hen...LFI - Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut ÖsterreichOK-Net EcoFeed2018
Recommendations for using soy-based feedstuffs for poultry production (OK-Net...Bioland BeratungOK-Net EcoFeed20205 (1)
Seaweed as feed supplement (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract)AU - Aarhus UniversityOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Silage with chicory to weaning pigs in multi-family pens (OK-Net Ecofeed Video)SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural SciencesOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Soybean processing systems (FiBL Factsheet)FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and FoodOK-Net EcoFeed2021
Starfish as feedstuff (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract)AU - Aarhus UniversityOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Strategy options for feeding 100% organic feed to organic monogastric livestockV.Ö.P. - Verbund Ökologische PraxisforschungOK-Net EcoFeed2014
Sunflower oil cake (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract)AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura BiologicaOK-Net EcoFeed2020
The potential feed value of grain tailings for poultry (OK-Net Ecofeed video)Innovative Farmers , Soil AssociationOK-Net EcoFeed2021
The potential for increasing the nutritional value of beans for pig and poultry...Innovative Farmers , Soil AssociationOK-Net EcoFeed2021
The potential for sprouted seeds to supply feed for laying hens (OK-Net Ecofeed...Soil AssociationOK-Net EcoFeed20204 (1)
Unprocessed soya beans low in trypsin inhibitors in organic pig fattening diets...Donau SojaOK-Net EcoFeed2020
Using an automatic straw-distributor to feed silage to pigs – A potential to...SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural SciencesOK-Net EcoFeed2021
Using near-infrared tools to monitor heat damage in soya bean products (OK-Net...Donau SojaOK-Net EcoFeed2021
Utilisation of waste heat from biogas plants for drying fine-grained legumes...Bioland BeratungOK-Net EcoFeed2020

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